الجمعة، 9 سبتمبر 2016

الحب في خَفَقانِه كلمات كتبها لكم / علي الخولي ♡ امرؤ القيس

الحب في خَفَقانِه 
كلمات كتبها لكم / 
علي الخولي 
♡ امرؤ القيس

مَرَّ طيفك بناظريا وَقَلبي 
ما زَال الحب في خَفَقانِه
نَومي عَن مُقلتي جفاني
واستقرّ جنوني في مَكانه
علت بأسوار قصرك آهاتي 
وشهد على دمعي جدرانِه

تُقبِلُ عينيكِ بليلي المُظلِم
ليسطع نوراً بخفايا أركانه
وَما عاد قَنديلي يَلمَعُ نوراً 
هل يُضاهِي جمالك لَمَعانِه ؟
لَأَراهُ يسألني عَن مثيلاتك 
فلَو رآكِ حجرٌ لنطقَ لِسانِه
معذور أنا بجنوني عليكِ ،
صار عشقُه بُركانٌ لهَيَجانِه
وَأَخال بَينَ تشابك أناملنا
تَصعد بلهب الشوق دُخانِه
ساهِرٌ في كَآبَتي وَحَبيبتي 
تنَم بعزوفِ قلبي وأَشجانِه
شِفاكِ بالشَّهد سَكِبَتْ سِحراً 
وَعاف النوم بعيني وأَجفانِه
انا ياملكة كل أوطاني شعب
أمام عيونكِ قد هَوى سكّانِه
أو مسَّني عارِضُ جِنِّ وجننت
ولولاكِ لانخلع قلبي جُثمانِه
Love is in the breath of his legs.
Words written by you /
Ali El-khouly
♡ IMRU ' Al-qays
Went by your shade of a rhea and kolby
What G. The love in the breath of his legs.
To my about a said jahnvi
Settled in with a crazy place
Did your palace walls now hattie
And testified to his walls -
You kissed my eyes. Lily, the dark
Not feed Nora the reduction of staff.
And What's back you handley does not you Nora.
Does my beauty wouldn't matched his fins?
Lāaٔ see him asking me about your unprecedented
Let's to saw you stone's pronunciation of his tongue.
Excused. I am I am crazy for you,
It became adore him remote corners for flying his jean
Wāaٔ free some where's complexity to our hope!
You come up with a flame of passion was his khan
Tragedy. In my kāٓba and loved my bag
Get played and you my heart and his Michigan
You like fruit you relax sakiba wouldn't walk free.
And healthy sleep with my own eyes and his eyelids
I'm miss holier than thou every orb awtani people
In front of your eyes. You may have escaped your shelter his
Or I'm a disgrace a c you think and you
And if it wasn't for you. Don't get my heart out of his eight

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