*** أنْشودَةُ الْقَدَرْ ... *** 1_9_2016
بقلمي#حسن_علي_محمود_الكوفحي ..الأردن/اربد
لَيْلٌ غَفا على نُهودٍ هَدَّها الْألَم
والصُّبْحُ يَلْهو في مَواخيرٍ بِها ارْتَهَن
وَالْوَقْتُ لعْبَةٌ لِأعْداءٍ لَنا رَسَن
وَالْعَقْلُ جُنَّ والْوُجودُ دَم
وَأرْضُنا تَصيحُ مِنْ أبْنائها الْهَمَل
فَمَنْ لِأُمٍّ ذَلَّها سَفَلَةُ الذِّمَم
وَمِنْ نَجيعِها فَقَدْ ضَجَّ لَهُ الْعَدَم
تَدورُ والدَّمْعُ بها تَسْقي بهِ الدِّيَم
وَاللّيْلُ لا يَتْرُكُ أنْثاهُ بلا شَجَن
عَزْفٌ مَريرٌ مَزَّقَ الآهاتِ تُمْتَهَن
تَتْلو على أبْنائها أُنْشودَةَ الْألَم
عُمْيٌ وَصُمٌّ دَبَّ فيهِمْ تَلَفُ الزَّمَن
حُثالَةٌ وَفي الْوُجودِ آيَةُ النَّدَم
ألَم ..
نَدَم ..
ألَم ..
والْأرْضُ لِلْجَزَّارِ مِلْؤها ..
غَنَم .
نَعَم ..
غَداً نَصيرُ سادَةً وَسَوْفَ نُحْتَرَم !
وَسَوْفَ يَغْدو عَيْشُنا بالسَّمْنِ وَالْعَسَل !
وَالذُّلُّ مِنْ حَياتِنا غادَرَنا ارْتَحَل !
والْفَقْرُ وَلَّى والْفَقيرُ عاشَ بالنِّعَم !
أُمَّاهُ فُكّي قَيْدَنا بِيَدِكِ الرَّسَن !!!!!!
شِخْنا وأصْفادٌ لَنا زَرَدُ الْحَديد
أطْلِقْ إلهي الرُّوحَ مِنْ قُمْقُمِها الْعَنيد !
تَمُرُّ أحْلامٌ تَموتُ مِنْ أسىً شَديد
وَالشَّمْسُ تأتي بالْجَديدَيْنِ وَلا جَديد
( والْموتُ ، والْميلادُ ، والظَّلامُ ، والضِّياء ؛)
زَغْرودَةُ الْأمَل
وَصَرْخَةُ الْكَفَن
أنْشودَةُ الْحَياة
أنْشودَةُ الْألَم
إرادَةُ الْقَدَر
بالْعَدْلِ والسَّلام
بالْحُبِّ والْقَمَر
يَحْيا الْبَشَر
مِنْ غَيْرِها فَالْعَيْشُ في خَطَر
واغْسِلْ إلهي أرْضَنا بالْحُبِّ والْمَطَر
حتّى تَصير جَنَّةً نَجلو بها النَّظَر
فَما اجْتَرَحْناهُ بِحَقِّنا
جَريمَةٌ .. جَريمَةٌ لَيْسَتْ بلا ثَمَن
أنْشودَةُ الْقَدَر
أنْشودَةُ الْقَدَر .
بقلمي/ حسن علي محمود الكوفحي الأردن/اربد
هذه القصيدة مجاراة لقصيدة الشّاعر العراقي الكبير بدرشاكر السياب (أشودة المطر)
*** I know that you should be the pinch... *** 1 _ 9 _ 2016
With my #hassan _ Ali _ Mahmoud _ Kuf alive.. Jordan / irbid
Layluⁿ you fa on a hood had escaped their ٔlam
And r uّb was playing in who is finally a her show you to
And he said: I was going for a woman to know a performance but I'm right
And the shout the grace; and Sprint Finest Blood!
I saw some of us do you yell it out to get her the hamal
Who going to the hill by liạuٔmiⁿّ safala iّmam. That's it.
Wami to uplift. You have lost for the Lord has given the
You were the father role had been her. Are you watering it. Dr. Ĩyam
And God ̃ylu doesn't see you to talk, no doubt.
Well sawing with a villain who torn down now bring it to you
Do you have to get if it wasn't you chode woman ٔlam
When umyuⁿ and deaf d ' where are the angles on alafu submitted to
Love Statue of and in the sprint finest man " of the blood!
To be..
And sudden - have been lil c. G Cacti. I err its affairs..
You go to sleep.
You know..
You. You were sad fate of wasawfa. Died. You know!
Wasawfa other du to live I'm as happy as you had to call and ask!
Corn and humiliation from your mortality. Rascals you I see you made it!
And annexed, she walaّy and half carat lived the favors!
Mama's fukky investigating why your holding the taught extensively!!!!!!
Would you tell me and half is not reported me g you was true.
I launcher out God the soul from it's been right by me. Ned!
Are you going to get peace you die from sadness. Alone.
And regard aّmsu come get you a new debt that I don't.
(and death, and she's birthday, and a pain, and j;)
G-Rod. The ٔMal
And you would be that kafa
To crowds of the life of me
To crowds. the ٔlam
If he wanted to. The heart. Came in.
With me you will have the pain
The applied to open up and finished.
Hold on, be the usher
From G narrated by the lost me live in my line you
Wague (God for me to try and fit the right
Even you fate. That is the great.. We sat with her the minute you saw
Just what I need, she look him in the am
C. Reem a.. C. Reem.. She has no price.
To crowds of the heart. Came in.
To crowds of the heart. You saw.
My Pen / Hassan Ali Mahmoud Falco, Jordan / irbid
This poem to keep up with the poem. The Iraqi Poet Big Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab (a song of the rain.
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